Thursday, March 30, 2017

My Cancer Adventures: Chemo #8 - Unexpected Surprises

My eighth chemo treatment was Monday and because of my last two treatment rounds, I was expecting the worst. Well, surprise to me - I’m having the best treatment week so far! Sure, Monday and Tuesday were full of naps but already by Monday night I was eating normal non-bland foods. The eating side of life has been so good I’ve mostly forgotten to take my anti-nausea meds! I’ve also had very little fatigue. Yes, I took some naps at first, but on Wednesday I had enough energy to go for a walk. A walk! Two days after chemo! Crazy town!

The real surprise with this round came from my doctor - that surprise being that I might be done with chemo! I had a PET scan this morning to see where things stand on my lymphoma sites. If all is still good - basically if they’re still in remission - I’ll finish off my treatment (and those nasty cancer cells) with some radiation instead of chemo. My doctor stated that it’s not worth putting my body through unneeded turmoil if the cancer is gone. I don’t know what the radiation would all entail yet, but I’m very excitedly optimistic. I know radiation of course has it’s own side effects, but from what I’ve read/heard they shouldn’t be as bad as what I’m dealing with from chemo. 

As I said, my PET scan was this morning. I’ll find out the results (and my treatment plan going forward) next Thursday. Look for an update post then.

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