Thursday, March 23, 2017

My Cancer Adventures: From Walk Through the Park to Crawling Through the Mud

Ok, that title makes this way more dramatic that it is, but the early part of last week pretty much sucked. My chemo has been pretty manageable so far – I have decent energy (except the day of and day after chemo), my appetite hasn’t been crazy affected (I’ve actually gained 10 lbs), my hair is still holding on, I’ve only had some mouth pain (and not mouth sores), and I am only starting to get neuropathy in my feet and hands. Last week though – well like I said –  it kinda sucked.

Before chemo last Monday, I had a bowl of Cheerios. After chemo, I had nothing for lunch and could barely stomach five bites of bland noodles for dinner. I just wasn’t hungry. Food wasn’t appetizing. I also was crazy tired and just wanted to lie in bed (but that’s to be expected). The Tuesdays after are typically better, but this time – like my last chemo treatment cycle –wasn’t. Again I didn’t want to do anything but lie in bed but my lack of appetite  and nausea wasn’t getting any better. I know I had some Cream of Wheat for breakfast, but I think I skipped lunch. My hunger started to come back around and I had some bland mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner. On Wednesday I tried going to work, but left at noon. I think I was just so thrashed energy-wise from both the chemo and from not having eaten much the last few days prior. After an afternoon nap I was able to eat some more mashed potatoes and a bland chicken quesadilla.

I went to work Friday and felt mostly normal. Nausea was still present but waaay more manageable. I could start to eat normal things so that helped. I’ve also been hungry again. I also have realized that I seem to get more nauseous when I’m hungry, no matter how I’m feeling otherwise. So I need to listen to that. Also, my energy has been mostly better. Thursday and Friday were good for energy, but Saturday wasn't so great because I didn’t sleep the best the night before. This week has now been fine (as recovery weeks normally are).

While I’m quite aware that I’ve had it pretty easy compared to others going through chemo, I’m also growing in awareness that these last few months are going to suck. Just five more treatments, just five more. I can count them on one hand.

We got this.

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