Friday, March 24, 2017

My Cancer Adventures: That Warm Tingly Feeling

Yeah. I don’t mean a “warm tingly feeling” in the good sense.

Lately, a common side effect of chemo has been flaring up and well, really dragging me down. I’m referring to neuropathy - or for me, a burning pins and needles feeling - in my feet. Wait, that’s putting it too simply. It also makes my feet extra sensitive to touch, sensitive to cold, and achy. This all happens in my hands sometimes too but my feet have it much worse.

I want to say there’s some Army or hiking saying about taking care of one’s feet, because once they start to go, you’re stuck. As one that’s normally using his feet quite a bit, I’m starting to feel that way. If I’m up on my feet for too long - 10-15 minutes maybe - they hurt.

I brought the issue up to my doctor at my last oncology/chemo appointment, but there’s really not much that can be done. They can dial down the drug in my chemo cocktail that causes this, but it doesn’t always solve the problem. Plus they’re hesitant to do that because it’s killing the cancer. I’m of course hesitant for the same reason. (Let’s see… killing cancer or tingly feet. I think I’ll take the tingly feet every time.) There also is a medication I can take, but it’s not always that effective and it causes drowsiness. Additionally, the neuropathy usually lasts 6-12 months after the end of chemo for most patients. Unfortunately for some patients it can be permanent. (Again, even with running as a hobby, I'll take lifelong neuropathy over cancer. That's not to say that I'm not crossing my fingers, knocking on wood, and performing every other good luck charm in the hopes that it's not permanent.)

My best bet right now is to find adjustments that can make the neuropathy more bearable. Obviously, I’m trying to limit my “on my feet” time. I’m also cycling through all my shoes trying to find that right Cinderella fit. It seems like if the shoe is too tight - or tight against my foot in the slightest - it causes problems. My normal work shoes - which are Merrell hiking shoes - were really making my feet act up. I moved on to my current running shoes , which were better but still not so great. Right now I’m trying my older pair of running shoes, ones that I didn’t like all that much for running. So far they’re working, even on days at work when I’m on my feet a lot. I think these shoes are just wider and roomier. I really hope these continue to work, otherwise I’ll probably need to try out a pair of Crocs (just shoot me now).
Yay! Shoes that work! And they're not Crocs!
**Update in between writing this and getting it posted on the blog: My older running shoes seem to be working. I can be on my feet for a normal amount of time before the neuropathy gets unbearable. One big downside I forgot to mention above is that this neuropathy is bad enough that I can’t really go for walks anymore. Since I don’t have the energy to bike or run, that was my outside activity for the time being. As the weather gets nicer I’ll just have to try some yoga or other flexibility exercises on the deck. It’s too nice to be in the basement playing Wii.

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