Saturday, April 1, 2017

My Cancer Adventures: A PET Scan Primer

In case anyone ever wondered what it's like to get a PET scan, it's a lot of hurry up and then wait. While preparing for my most recent PET scan, I thought I’d write out this quick run through of what the process is like:

Step 1: Technically, the first step is to fast for at least 4 hours. As I had a 9:30 appointment the other day, I woke up early to have breakfast at 5am and then went back to bed.

Step 2: Drive to the hospital, check in at the reception desk, sit in the waiting room, and wait to be called back to the PET scan area.

Step 3: When first in the PET scan area, you get weighed and then get to choose one of two lovely medical grade lounge chairs.

Step 4: Sit in your chair, get your finger poked, and have your blood sugar measured.

Step 5: If your blood sugar level checks out, you then get a small IV injection of what is basically slightly radioactive sugar water. This makes things stand out on the scan.

Step 6: Then you wait for 45 minutes for the sugar water to flow through your system. Hopefully you've brought something to do or read because there's no wifi.

The lovely waiting area view.

Step 7: After the 45 minutes, you're all set for the scan. Well, ok, they have you go to the bathroom first. Once you're on the scanning table you're there for 15 minutes and there’s no chance for a potty break.

Step 8: If you wearing a top with snaps or zippers (metal), you'll have to take that off and put on scrubs. (It will mess up the scan.) With a metal button on my pants, they always give me the option of changing into scrub pants or just pulling my pants down to my knees and covering up with a blanket. I just do the blanket method as it's easier. I also take anything out of my pant pockets at this point. My phone, keys, etc wouldn't mess up the scan since it's below my knees (it only scans your knees up) but it's a precaution so those items don't fall into the track of the moving table. Apparently people have gotten their keys stuck.

Step 9: You lay on the table flat on your back with your arms back above your head. It's a pain for me to get comfortable and still be able to fit my arms through the opening of the scanner. Still it's not as bad as my first scan which happened right after my surgical biopsy and I had very little arm flexibility. My left arm was completely asleep at the end.

Step 10: Basically you just lay there for 15 minutes as the table moves back and forth. You can close your eyes, but you don't want to move. Putting yourself in into nap or zen-like state is definitely recommended.

Step 11: Once the 15 minutes is up, the moving table will be back in the starting position and the tech will announce that you can move and relax. They'll check that the scan came out alright and then you're free to go. You know, once you pull your pants up or change out of your borrowed scrubs...

And that my friends is how a PET scan works. I believe this in now in order:

Does NBC still do these?

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