Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Best Laid Plans...

Now that I’ve been running for a full two months - and only running, no walking breaks I might add - I finally got around to making a training schedule. My long term goal is to progress slowly in distance and difficulty. I’m starting out with a beginners 5K program, advancing then to an intermediate 5K program, then 10K, then half marathon, and finally working up to full marathon distance. I really would like go further and do a trail ultra, but we will see. This long term build could go in so many directions, that I’m not too focused on the end result. I’m just happy to be building back up my running fitness.

I typically use the training plans from It’s a bit of a skeleton site anymore and run by, but the luckily the training plans are still available. I’ve always used them in the past, they seem to work, and I can adjust them easily to fit my schedule.

No, Cool Running. Not Cool Runnings.
Right now I’m building up to base pre-training mileage to start the beginner 5K training plan. So far, so good. Of course things will almost immediately get disrupted with busy summer weekends - weekends when I don’t have a chance to get a run in or when we’ll be away. I’ll just adjust and try to get all my runs in during the week or - gasp - I might have to miss a run here and there.

I’m really just happy to be running again and even more happy to be seeing progress. My short 2 mile runs are getting faster - now in the 8.20s per mile pace - and my long runs are also faster. My longer runs are also getting longer, as I’ve now done two 4 milers in the last two weeks. I ran these at a 9.14 and 9.11 average pace - a pace that I was doing for my short 2 mile runs two months ago. It’s still slow compared to the pace of past years’ running, but hey it’s progress.

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