Sunday, July 9, 2017

Ups & Downs

Dr. S and I were in western South Dakota for a family vacation two weeks ago so I have a few posts coming from that, but I first wanted to post a running update I meant to post before heading on the trip.

My fitness comeback continues and so does my progress with running. For over a month now I've been running my two mile routes without any walking. I've now even done a handful of three milers without walking. Mostly my pace has been slow, at or even slower than the pace I've run for marathons. I hit what felt (and still feels) like a turning point however on my June 22nd run.

For the first time since I started running again, I was able to run a pace below 8:30 per mile. Granted this was only for 2 miles but it made me feel fast-ish again. Dropping below an 8.30 pace just gives me that little bit of belief that I’ll get there, running will become easier again, and little by little I’ll get faster. Eventually I’ll drop below an 8:00 per mile pace, then maybe 7:30 per mile, and who knows what else. Until then, I’m supremely happy with my 8:30 pace.

I was (literally) brought down to Earth though on the following day’s run. My legs were feeling the previous day’s efforts and I was pushing them too hard. I shuffle-tripped and came crashing down. This was in the crosswalk of a roundabout so luckily no cars were around. Regardless however, I tuck and rolled beautifully right into running again without missing a beat. I had a scraped up knee and a few bruises but mainly it was my pride that got hurt. Like I said, I was just pushing tired legs too hard, but the lingering post-chemo neuropathy in my feet may have played a part as well.

Since then I’ve gone on the South Dakota trip (where I only ran once, really slowly). I’m trying to get back into a running rhythm again as well as continuing my to form a new habit of running first thing in the morning. I’ve typically been an afternoon runner, but I’ve realized that life and hot summer weather often likes to interrupt those late afternoon / early evening running plans. Thus, I’m waking up earlier in the morning and getting in my miles before the day heats up (figuratively and literally). My brain and body are still getting used to the idea of waking up at 5:30 and then running by 6:30, but they’re coming along. It only gets better - easier, faster, farther - from here.

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