Wednesday, November 22, 2017

My Cancer Adventures: Looking Back, Moving Forward

Exactly one year ago today, I received my diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer. It’s also been exactly six months since my final cancer treatment. I’ve always referred to all my tests, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and so forth as “my cancer adventures.” To mark this day I wanted to have a normal outdoorsy adventure, but one that somehow linked back to my cancer. I decided on a run.

Running is not only one of my hobbies, but it’s also one of the things that I missed doing the most while on chemo. There were times I couldn’t do anything but lay in bed, but something in me always wanted to be outside moving my body. As I’ve mentioned on here before, I started running again in May as I was going through my radiation treatments. Since then I’ve progressed little by little, getting some muscle fibers back, getting faster, and gaining endurance. My longest run so far has been 10K, or 6.2 miles.

That was until today.

Like I said, I wanted today to be an adventure. Today’s route was from to my main oncology clinic (where my doctor is located and where I went for chemo) and back - a round trip of 8 miles. (I didn’t do it on purpose and it didn’t dawn on me initially when I planned the route, but 8 is significant. It’s the number of chemo treatments I ended up having.) Running 8 miles was going to be a stretch at this point in my training, but it was doable.

The run was indeed fine. My legs were hurting towards the end, but I made it - and did so with a decent pace. I wish it would’ve been a bit warmer however as I was a bit cold at times, especially when I stopped to take the above selfie outside my clinic. Nevertheless it felt really good to be out there, pushing myself on just a regular everyday adventure.

During my cancer treatments, many people commented on how positive I remained (with a few mentioning that this often caused them to sometimes forget that I even had cancer). I did lots of reflecting on my run today, but one thing I realized is that much of this optimism probably comes from running (and biking too). When a run isn’t going so well, I just shrug my shoulders, decide to get on with it (because there isn’t anything else to do), and just keep moving forward. For all of life’s adventures, that’s the key. Forward, always forward.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Of Snow & Cold (and Colds)

Winter has come early this year, with nearly everyone thrown a bit off guard. Maybe we’ve been spoiled by winter coming (for the most part) after Thanksgiving the last few years, but it seems like we barely got an autumn to really enjoy. The trees just hit peak colors, the leaves were starting to really fall - and BLAM! - snow. Write down October 27th for the first official snow of winter 2017/2018. The cold temperatures also came with it and we’ve never warmed up since.

For me the change in temperatures in the late fall always means I get sick. Right on schedule I picked up a cold the last full week of October. I took the week off of running but by that Friday (the day of the first snow) I was getting antsy. While I knew I shouldn’t run yet, I decided to venture out into the snow for a walk. In hindsight, being sick was a blessing in disguise as it meant I got to more thoroughly enjoy the beauty of the snow.

My cold is mostly gone now and I’m back running again. I’m still being very careful to wear a Buff over my mouth/nose, as it seems to be the cold air that eventually leads my nose/throat/ear canals to get plugged up and be all overactive with the mucus production. Pounding down hot beverages, sucking on cough drops, and taking a decongestant also help.

Because of injuries and my mandatory break during cancer treatments, this is the first time in many years that I am and will be running so much during the winter months. Even though winter hasn’t really started, I’m already noticing that I need to make adjustments in my winter running wardrobe. Basically, I have a crazy amount of long-sleeved shirts but too few tights. As far as the shirts go, I need to be better about rotating through them and possibly getting rid of a few. On the tights front, I really need to get some more. Right now I only have two - a very light pair and a fleece-lined pair. The light ones are really only good down to 40F, so I’ve been wearing the fleece-lined pair for every run I’ve done these two weeks since it’s gotten colder. (Typing that out made me realize how grody they must be getting by now.)

So now if you don’t mind, I’m heading off to do some laundry...

Friday, September 22, 2017

Held Together with Gum and Duct Tape

Per usual, I wrote the following up a few weeks ago and then never posted it on the blog. Oh well, nothing has really changed anyway...

My running keeps getting faster and farther, but it’s not been smooth sailing - especially not the last few weeks. I’ve been getting all my runs in, but it seems like anything that could be tight or sore is just that. Here’s a list of all my niggles:

Lower back - It seems that any time I spend a long duration in a car, my lower back hurts the next few days. I’m not sure if it’s because of my wallet in my back pocket making me sit uneven, or just my overall position, but my lower back doesn’t like something. It has been fine running, but sometimes during the day… ouch! After a weekend up in Duluth a few weeks ago, it was murder getting up out of chairs. It also hurt to the point of nearly collapsing when I sneezed. Since then it’s been much better.

Hamstrings / calves - I historically have tight hammies and calves, but they’ve behaved well since I started running again. Lately though I can’t do enough to stretch them out. Every morning I do a calf stretch on the stairs. (I also do it throughout the day if I’m near a set of stairs.) Stretching out my hamstring is a bit more tricky. I stopped running for a while because of high hamstring soreness, self-diagnosed as possibly being hamstring tendinopathy. With that in mind, I don’t want to overstretch. To play it safe I’ve been doing a hamstring stretch lying on the floor with a length of rope - as opposed to the ballet-like leg up on a railing stretch.

Stretching / massaging torture devices tools

Plantar fibroma / arches - I’m blessed with a family history of poor arches and weak ankles. Nearly all the shoes I wear have supportive insoles added inside. After getting my shoe fitting at Mill City Running, I asked about insoles. They said that they typically don’t sell them with a new shoe right away. Run with the shoe first. Then if your foot is crying out for more support, an insole can be added. Well, my foot was crying out for more support. For years now, I’ve had bumps on my plantar fascia (the foot arch tendon). From doing some research, I believe these are plantar fibromas - I have a bump on each arch. They’re for the most part painless, but these bumps and my arches get sore if I do not have enough arch support. Luckily, I have many an old pair of Superfeet insoles to throw in my running shoes. It’s definitely helped, but I should probably get to a running store for a new pair. The other thing that helps is a simple tennis ball. It feels amazeballs to massage my foot and arch by just rolling my foot on one.

Hip flexors - These have been sore on my last few runs. No idea why, but I’ve been doing some active stretching to loosen them up. IT band stretching also seems to help.

Whatever else - I’m sure there are other niggles that I’ve had, because it seems like I’ve had a lot recently. What seems to finally be making a difference though is to do more stretching and to make sure I stretch opposite muscle groups (i.e. stretching both my hamstrings and my quads). I know it seems super obvious that stretching helps, but - after a few years away from running and then cancer - this running thing is basically new to me again. I’m continually relearning what works and what doesn’t.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Mill City Awesome

It’s been a few weeks since now, but I finally bought some new running shoes. I guess it’s not really news if you read my blog, because you would have seen it come up on my Twitter feed. Anyway, I made the trip to Northeast Minneapolis to Mill City Running and (as you could also see from my Twitter posts) could not have been happier.

I’ve been let down by the last few running shoe fittings I’ve had at other stores, so I was over the moon with how much attention I was given at Mill City. Like other running stores, they took a look at my feet, my instep, how I walk, and so forth. They went the extra mile however in putting me in a pair of neutral shoes and have me run on a treadmill. Makes sense doesn’t it? I’m looking for the best pair of running shoes - so it only makes sense to see how I run. This was all filmed on an iPad so I could even look at it when I was done running. The big surprise was that I don’t overpronate severely like I’ve always been told! 

I then tried on probably about a dozen stability shoes, nearly running in all of them outside on the sidewalk in front of the store. Never before have I tested out so many shoes. Needing a stability shoe instead of a motion control shoe definitely expanded my options, but I also think that the staff at Mill City Running really want to give people as many options so they can find that perfect shoe. The perfect shoe for me? The Mizuno Wave Inspire 13 - which funny enough is a shoe I’ve used in the past, just in previous model versions. 

When I was up at the cash register paying for my shoes, it came up in conversation that I used to work in the bicycle industry and how I kind of got sick of needing to make sales versus helping people. Bekah - who helped me during my entire fit process and who I later remembered later in the car is one of the store’s owners - responded (and I’m totally paraphrasing here) that she sees that a lot in the outdoor industry too, especially with the larger companies. At their store though - while they obviously want to stay in business - she doesn’t see sales transactions but instead just sees the store as simply helping people with their passion for running. 

And with that, Mill City Running got a customer for life.

Oh, and also they have loon socks.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Best Laid Plans...

Now that I’ve been running for a full two months - and only running, no walking breaks I might add - I finally got around to making a training schedule. My long term goal is to progress slowly in distance and difficulty. I’m starting out with a beginners 5K program, advancing then to an intermediate 5K program, then 10K, then half marathon, and finally working up to full marathon distance. I really would like go further and do a trail ultra, but we will see. This long term build could go in so many directions, that I’m not too focused on the end result. I’m just happy to be building back up my running fitness.

I typically use the training plans from It’s a bit of a skeleton site anymore and run by, but the luckily the training plans are still available. I’ve always used them in the past, they seem to work, and I can adjust them easily to fit my schedule.

No, Cool Running. Not Cool Runnings.
Right now I’m building up to base pre-training mileage to start the beginner 5K training plan. So far, so good. Of course things will almost immediately get disrupted with busy summer weekends - weekends when I don’t have a chance to get a run in or when we’ll be away. I’ll just adjust and try to get all my runs in during the week or - gasp - I might have to miss a run here and there.

I’m really just happy to be running again and even more happy to be seeing progress. My short 2 mile runs are getting faster - now in the 8.20s per mile pace - and my long runs are also faster. My longer runs are also getting longer, as I’ve now done two 4 milers in the last two weeks. I ran these at a 9.14 and 9.11 average pace - a pace that I was doing for my short 2 mile runs two months ago. It’s still slow compared to the pace of past years’ running, but hey it’s progress.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

South Dakota: Day 5 & 6

Day 5
Our last morning in the family lodge was a quick one. We scarfed some breakfast, said our goodbyes, and got on the road. We weren’t doing the drive back to the Twin Cities in one shot like our drive out, but we wanted ample time to enjoy our main goal for the day - Badlands National Park.

As I mentioned on my write-up from the drive out to the Black Hills, one can just catch glimpses of the Badlands from I-90. Conveniently, there's a scenic loop just off the interstate - South Dakota Highway 240 - that lets you enjoy the Badlands scenery without driving very far out of the way. (It must be said that if we had more time we would have gone hiking or in fact gone out of the way to explore the less visited areas of Badlands National Park. With a lot of driving in front of us, this was a good way to experience the park as best we could.) While every lookout was of course very busy, the driving itself wasn’t bad. People were much more sane than on Custer State Park’s Needles Highway.

If it wasn’t for the impending storm rolling in (which did catch us just as we were finishing the scenic drive), Dr. S and I could have just stayed at each overlook all day soaking in the scenery. Words can’t really describe it… so here’s a picture dump.

We got back on the interstate system heading west, then north. To change things up a bit for the drive back - so we didn’t see the exact same eastern South Dakota / western Minnesota scenery - we took a different route, with Brookings, SD as our overnight town. A strong thunderstorm caught up to us a half hour outside of town, but thankfully ended basically when we arrived at our hotel. We checked in, caught a bite to eat, and settled down early for the night.

Day 6
Honestly, there’s not much to say about our last day of the trip. We had a decent breakfast in the hotel and got on the road. It was just uneventful driving. Well, except when we drove through a swarm of some kind of insect. The windshield was peppered with big splats. Yes, that was our excitement for the day.

We did stop briefly in New Ulm, MN, in hopes of hitting up another knitting shop. We couldn’t be sure from what we found online, but it seemed like there was one in it’s downtown area. Well, maybe there was at one point but not anymore. We hit up the local Burger King for lunch (which wasn’t the greatest Burger King) and hit the final leg for home. Of course we hit some traffic, but we finally made it back home to a cat who was very happy to see us again.

Friday, July 21, 2017

South Dakota: Day 4

On day 4, we headed south. Dr. S is quite the knitter (and I only encourage it), so when we read the town of Hot Springs had a knitting shop, we had to go. We made a day of it with other members of my family (also containing some knitters).

The drive to Hot Springs was much more exciting than we expected. While it eventually went onto a more traveled highway, it first meandered through woods and rolling prairie. As we discovered, this area of prairie had many more bison than any parts of the Wildlife Loop. Hundreds of them. Day already made.

Upon getting into town, we found that the knitting shop shared a building with a local artisan market. We all poked around in there for a bit and bought fun more meaningful souvenirs of the trip or presents for family members. If possible, Dr. S and I like finding Christmas ornaments on bigger trips. Mission successful.

When we finally made it next door to the knitting shop, our day was made - and so was the day of the woman working there that day. She really was a hoot and she enjoyed having us there - a group of passionate knitters and/or those that enable it. We probably also made her day on the sales front as well. For our part, Dr. S but a few skeins of yarn, one of which being a bison (wool?) blend. This will eventually be made into a winter neck gaiter for me.

After spending a looong time in the shop, we were all starving. We couldn’t find the restaurant that was recommended to us by the knitting shop employee, so we just hit up the local Dairy Queen. From the large group of local older men, the full parking lot, and the amount of traffic going in and out the door, you could tell this was the place to go in town for grub. A burger, fries, and an Oreo blizzard really hit the spot. Additionally, I can’t really think of a nicer Dairy Queen I’ve been to in a long time.

Next up was the Mammoth Site. This is a museum and ongoing dig site of mostly wooly mammoths. At current count, 61 mammoth skeletons have been discovered. As best they can, they leave the skeletons in the ground where they find them (a building has been built around the dig), making the site the largest in-situ collection of mammoth skeletons in the world. While the museum and are crazy young tour guide were a little hokey, the dig site was quite impressive. It’s not everyday you are able to see that many woolly… er I mean Columbian mammoth bones. 

It was getting to be late in the afternoon (mostly because we spent so much time at the knitting shop), but we had another stop to make on our way back to the lodge. Back through the prairie again, this time stopping to take in the thousands of prairie dogs. We stopped a few times for pictures, typically being able to hear their squeaking. Eventually we made it to our last destination of the day, our third fire lookout of the trip - Rankin Ridge. It was a quick drive and then a short hike up to the only fire lookout of the three we visited that was an actual tower. Like the Mt. Coolidge lookout, we couldn’t climb up and go inside, but we could at least take in the views from ground level.

Prairie dog hills, as far as the eye can see.

We hopped back in our cars for what we thought would be a quick drive to the lodge. Nature however had other ideas. First we spied a small group of pronghorn grazing. Then we spied a family of burrowing owls (I disappointingly only got a quick glimpse because I was driving.) Then the bison took over. That large herd we saw by the road earlier in the day? Their numbers seemed to have increased… and now they were on the road. We just settled in, took all the pictures we could, and slowly inched our car through the herd. The best moment was when we were distracted watching a mother and a calf on the right side of our car, only to be surprised by a giant bull walking past us on the left, nearly grazing the car.

We were late for family dinner, but it was definitely worth it.